Release date:2014-07-17 Views:2466
Nokia and oppo rose to the top five
In June 2014, the number of models on sale in China's smart phone market was 1050, nearly 100 models less than that of the previous month. This is closely related to the fact that major manufacturers are sorting out goods and reducing inventory at the end of the first half of the year. In terms of new products, the number of new products launched this month is not much. However, compared with last month, the pattern of brand attention has changed significantly. Nokia and oppo have increased their attention and ranking, ranking among the top five.
Gap between Samsung and apple narrowed
From the perspective of brand attention pattern, Samsung still takes the first place with 17.2% attention proportion, but its leading edge is narrowed compared with apple, which is only 1.1% ahead of apple. It is expected that Samsung will encounter greater impact after Apple releases new products in the second half of the year. Huawei and Nokia ranked third and fourth with 8.5% and 6.2% respectively. Oppo, Coolpad and Xiaomi pay close attention to the proportion, focusing on 5% - 6%. The attention of other brands on the list is less than 5%.
(Figure) distribution of brand concerns in China's smartphone market in June 2014
Nokia and oppo rose to the top five
Compared with may, 11 of the top 15 brands in the smartphone market that are most concerned by users fluctuated in the rankings. Among them, Nokia and oppo showed a slight increase compared with the previous month, with the brand ranking rising from the fifth and eighth of last month to the fourth and fifth respectively. Xiaomi, LG brand ranking also rose compared with last month. Coolies fell out of the top five.
Table comparison of brand concerns in China's smartphone market from May to June 2014
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